Using a public restroom to defacate and then purposely not flushing.
I went to use the washroom but someone did a fly dump before I got there.
Seagull. Any dump is surrounded by seagulls.
I had to take a load of trash to the dump today and I almost got crapped on by a flock of dump eagles.
When you take a dump so epic that your head is cleared of all stupid ideas previous to said action.
Bob Saget: Dude you almost married that hooker!
Charlie Sheen: I know, good thing I took a clear-up dump.
When a person defecates inside the box of a calzone or pizza, closes it, and labels it "dump zone" in a public area for others to open and discover.
GGZ created a dump zone in a DP Dough box at UCONN and left it in the freshmen dorm room.
'Trump Tower', NYC, was briefly renamed to 'Dump Tower' on Google Maps worldwide on the 27th of November 2016. This caused the meltdown of the Twittersphere.
Was Google behind this? Probably.
Jono, did you see Dump Tower on Google Maps earlier! What a laugh!