Risitas day celebrates the late Comedian El Risitas who was featured in several memes when he was interviewed in 2007
The holiday is April 5th and to celebrate spend time with your family and tell jokes around the fire.
I spent Risitas Day at Jose's house and we told some joke in honor of El Risitas
november 10th is kirbo day, wish kirbo a happy kirbo
Zombo : hey what's today's date?
Ethan: it's november 10th
Yago: *burst through door* HEYO? IT'S KIRBO DAY
The Fourth of July. A federal holiday to celebrate the declaration of the Glizzy. Have a Glizzy Day.
The Clark Boys favorite holiday is Glizzy Day.
September 15th celebrates the day of every Connel of any spelling and on this day they should be bought presents by anyone around them.
Are you coming over to play soccer? Nah man it’s Connel day I need to take him a gift. What’s that? Connel Day is where you take any Connel a gift. You should go get one too
November 12, 4:10 a.m. - November 13, 4:10 a.m.
On this day shall no corrections of faulty English formation/structure/spelling be made, as agreed by participating delegates.
No Corrections Day
Person 1: brush your teeth as if there's no tomorrow.
Person 2: =S I will do that indeed.
October 7th is a national holiday in which we celebrate best villain and overall character everrrr Darcy Wu!!
"What's today again? October 7th?"
"Yeah man it's Darcy Day!"
It’s December 19th. Dylan day! Slap a Dylan today.
Hey Pablo, It’s Dylan Day, Let’s go slap your brother.