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My phone flew to my left/right hand

Used when someone sees something attractive online so they switch their phone to their non dominant hand so they can use their dominant hand to masturbate. Used mostly in comment sections

*miguel o hara edit plays*

commenter: The way my phone flew to my left/right hand

by jabberwokey October 12, 2023

2👍 1👎


(A) Acceptable

His behavior was of rightness because everyone agreed with him.

by NDelaunay June 9, 2020

My Rights

gone tomorrow

my rights are gone cuz trump is gonna take them away

by melloisntavirgin November 3, 2020

Nemo's right hand

Nemo's right hand is extremely large and his penis is to.If you ever find a Nemo with a large hand stay with him because his dick is probably big.

Nemo's right hand was supposed to jerk off kong, but it really jerked of kenny kan.

by TimmyAndKongGotAids May 28, 2019

Unfollow me,right now!!!

A saying that is often used by entitled manchildren on sites like facebook and twitter to show how angry they are just because someone doesn't agree with them.

Manchild: bananas are good!

Stranger: bananas are disgusting...
Manchild: WTF!?!? unfollow me,RIGHT NOW!!!! >:(

by ALL DAT ROOM THO?! August 19, 2022

My Right Honourable Friend

English Parliamentary translation of 'This fucking prick'

Used often during heated Parliamentary procedure in the UK

Him: I believe the free market should dictate the Education system
Me: I have heard the opinion of My Right Honourable Friend and I respectfully disagree

Could My Right Honourable Friend please stop interrupting the current procedure.

by wombledomble September 9, 2019

Farm Right Nationalism

There are many such cases that prove Farm Right Nationalism is the only great form of nationalism. What makes it the greatest is it focuses on the importance of making an individual become a self-reliant, or semi-self reliant, gardener or farmer to not only feed themselves and their family but for their community as well. To supply part of the nation with food is the greatest service they can do for the nation. Reject Big Corp with their GMO perverted foods, and embrace traditional, organic farming.

Few will take this into account. The sun will never set on Farm Right Nationalism
Sorry VD, but Farm Right Nationalism is the only based form of nationalism.

by CaliBoy18 November 8, 2021