When one shoved a gummy bear up they’re ass and has someone suck it out for pleasure
Did you here Justine gave Selena a bear in the mud
When one shoves a gummy bear up there ass and someone else sucks it out for the other persons pleasure
Bro did you here Justin gave Selena a bear in the mud
A noun which describes the misuse of a femdom.
He slipped, and the proper thing became a mud garb.
Another word for mud cricket. See definition
Best if used with a country accent
Damn mud skeeter was hanging off the side of his truck.
That guy who says he wants to hang out but declines every time he is asked
Alexey is a mud ringer
When someone who thinks they can fix somthing bur everyone know he / she can't.
"Fucking mud crab , everything he touches turns to shit"
"Fucking mud crab , everything he touches turns to shit"
The act of getting crabs from anal sex
Man I got mud crabs from after butt love last night