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When you want someone at work to go away, and look like an ass. you send them to supply to ask for a box of A I R. a box of air, or for you black guys, an empty box.

black guy no. 1: " yo, this stupid cracker just gave me a box of AIR fo free!"

black guy no. 2: " open it, nigga!"

black guy no. 1: "dumbass cracker forgot to put it in here!"

by not beer May 23, 2013


Air basically means ignore

Person: air me today I haven’t done my hair

by Grammarcheif May 11, 2019


Someone who probably did a TikTok about removing the first and last letter of your name. Your name is either Zaire or Xaire. And also people named Xaire get all the girls

Xaire looks good

by Anonymous124962 June 6, 2020


am i right?

air about the game development?

by TheDankMLG August 2, 2020


What I call abscesses.

Person 1: Hey...do you have a perianal abscess?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Okay...you are now a breath of fresh air.

by BoobiesOnTheGravel January 9, 2025


air is made of Oxygen and nitrogen. it is found on the plaint

bruh i need some air real quck

by customize222 June 23, 2024


Wrong! Words are not just air. I mean, they are just air when YOU say shit but that's just part of what makes progressives full of shit. Like, words and configurations of words have profound significance but YOU are just regurgitating mouth noises that reflect your desires. It's literally the Jordan Peterson toddler assertion (which is really just a ME assertion that he stole) combined with the Gayve Jewbin just saying words thing (which is also probably one of my things) They have more or less significance based on the configuration. Like, this. This is profound. To the people with the relevant data sets, they will derive profound utility out of this.

Hym "For example, when you say 'Andrew Tate is a grifter.' It LITERALLY doesn't mean anything. It's literally just air. The fact that he is pretending to be Hym from Urban Dictionary... IS WHAT GIVES THAT SENTENCE MEANING. The lie of omission... Literally renders the thing you are saying meaningless. And the evidence for him being a grifter... Is literally schrodinger's cat. He's a human trafficker... OR he's not. And that isn't what makes him a grifter. Like, the women either workers for him voluntarily at his cam girl thing or they were trafficked. You could say it's his hustler university but that's just another schrodinger's cat. People are either making or losing money. Like, whether or not the words you are saying have meaning is entirely contingent on whether or not the cat is dead. The ONLY true thing you can say that evidences the fact that he is a grifter... Is that he is pretending to be me. He is the prime exemplar of what makes you full of shit. The lie of omission renders everything you say about him, me, or anyone you are talking about meaningless and when you cry like a bitch about what I am saying about you it is evidence that we are not doing the same thing."

by Hym Iam January 22, 2025