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Jimbo flipping

/ˈdʒɪmboʊ ˈflipiNG/

Jim•bo flip•ping

the term for when you smoke DMT at the peak of a peyote trip

I'd go Jimbo flipping again, but my brain is still recovering from that last one

by TheTallestPsychonaut November 3, 2021

360 dick-flip

Primarily while engaging sexual intercourse, it is when a man jumps into the air and spins all the way around (360) and mid air ejaculate your semen so that every last drop lands in the your partners mouth. Be sure to where a helmet if you try this at home. Side effects are dick cancer.

Dude 1:Did you just do a 360 dick-flip!?
Dude 2: Yeh
Dude 1:But that causes dick cancer!!
Dude 2:Worth it

by GaryTheHarryCanary February 26, 2015

on the flip flop

When one is "on the flip flop", they have deliberately misinformed another individual and then, after creating a sufficient confusion, owned up to their machinations to the visible disappointment of their victim.
changing your mind

-monika said one thing and did another
-well i guess shes on the flip flop

by vikkkkk September 6, 2020

pink flip

Better than a back flip preformed exclusively by non trained front room gymnastic kids - very good alternative to a goldflip or Blackflip

No way she just smashed a pink flip way cooler than that Blackflip Shanequa did

by Richhal007 January 15, 2017

Flipping the pork

An offhand sexual reference that denotes one's manhood had been resting in the downward position for too long, and the individual that is "flipping the pork" has aroused the speaker and caused their manhood to arise to a vertical position.

"Honey, if you don't mind, could you please come flip the pork?"

"Carl was supposed to be online with us, but I think his wife is flipping the pork."

by atrum October 8, 2013

Flatline flip

The mother of all drug combinations. This is when a person takes LSD, MDMA, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, prescription opioids, prescription amphetamines (substitute for meth if you’re bummy) (or cocaine if you’re rich which you aren’t) as well as some Benadryl to kill nausea.

This combo is not meant to be attempted by anyone who isn’t a professional drug addict.

If done right the stimulating effects of the Molly, Acid and rX stimulants should completely override the sedation caused by the alcohol, Benadryl and Opioids making you feel completely sober.

Honestly you will probably overdose but think of how cool you will feel?

Friend 1: I am so high, I am candyflipping right now off of a gel tab and a Tesla pill!

Friend 2: *unresponsive*

Friend 1: I wish I was cool enough to flatline flip

Officer: What did your friend take? Be honest, we are trying to save his life?

Me: He.. He was flatline flipping.

Officer: Holy shit cool

by danasp_42 June 17, 2020

Flip a dil and pill

To do a back flip then eat a dill pickle and then take some sort of drug in a form of a pill

Damn do a flip a dil and pill dude! You won't. Oh my god you really did a flip a dil and pill

by Wienerball September 20, 2019