A know it all foodie. Culinary snob. Wannabe chef probably can't cook so they go out of their way to look down their noses at everybody elses cooking skills.
Terry is such a food snood that he refuses to eat anywhere without at least a four star rating.
°Latvia: Absolute poverty. Prototypical 3rd world country; designed by Rosia. Slum housing. Slum bathrooms. Grocery store, clothing store, markets. Cell phone store, veterinarian, hospital. Beach. Magazines; it's not s slum house in da ghetto if it's not overflowing with magazines and books 👸🏻❣️
°Higgins Lake: Absolute poverty. Slum housing; grocery store, food produce stores. Food Desert; otherwise desert. Like all slum houses. Overflowing with books, magazines.
°Detroit; Gentrified. My house is in absolute poverty; because of India, this location is where my basic human rights get disrespected. They have never been blatantly disrespected in the other locations. Lots of rich white people; Dearborn, Bloomfield Hills, West Bloomfield, Grosse Pointe, Birmingham, Southfield, Livonia. Lots of unnecessary restaurants, businesses. Too gentrified; too gentrified. But it's good; otherwise I wouldnt be able to see a white -washed version of India. All the cities listed are lil India! But without the microphones. Just like Seinfeld and Friends; rich white people living in relative wealth, but they are unable to function in a 3rd world country. They can't read or write!
°MSU; A lot more diversity than Bloomfield Hills. Less of a food Desert. Brat, Machuca, racial diversity of Latin America, sex trafficking origin and destination countries. A lot of food; I would say that expect for magazines, it has the most food of any of the locations.
I live in a Food Desert. I'm never provided adequate food; Asians step in and provide food for me. My colonizers want to kill me and are spoiled Europeans; this planet is designed for nobody and is a result of Caucasian Privilege.
People that live in India. Bengal Tigers have been known to feast on these scam calling tech support ass dotted forehead sacred cow people.
“John” from Tech Support: “Can I interest you in an extended warranty?”
Me: “Fuck you, Tiger Food”
Something you say after introducing yourself as Chelsea.
Hi, my name is Chelsea, what's your favorite dinner food?
Generally used for comfort food, it refers to edibles that are relatively large and chewy looking.
My mom made halfbaked fudge brownies, each the size of a hand, i like chunky food like that.
Another word for pussy.
I want to eat your cat food.
Jamaicans don't eat cat food.
Someone who has unrealistic views of how much food they have consumed.
Harry has food dysmorphia. He said that he had two biscuits but the whole packet is gone!