He is hot, cool and intelligent.
God of the New World.
Light Yagami : I'll take a potato chip, and EAT IT!
When a person is being a cutie!
"MiniDesleyDoodles is light & fluffy, what a cutie!
a light toucher means someone who you touch on sexually gets flustered or moans softly easily
person 1: woah dude i heard things got heated last night what happened
person 2: oh nothing happened shes just a light toucher
c, or the speed of light, is the speed of which photons travel in a vacuum, A.K.A. the fastest speed in the universe.
To travel at/exceed this speed would result in breaking the fabric of space-time.
c = 299,792,458 meters per second = 671,000,000 miles per hour
The new spaceship, Exr-C2 can travel at 0.6 * c (light-speed), or 60% of the speed of light.
1👍 1👎
when a girl has hard nipples with nipple piercings
did you see that girl her light bars was on
The non Religious Equation **God=Light+Awareness,** while it might initially strike one as abstract or unconventional, is deeply rooted in the integration of modern physics and spirituality. This synthesis is not just for the so-called "hippy" community but resonates with a broad spectrum of thinkers. By combining the profound scientific principles encapsulated in E=mc^2 and quantum mechanics with the equally profound notion of Awareness, this idea presents Awareness as fundamental, an inclusive framework for understanding divinity and existence. Such an approach transcends traditional religious frameworks, offering a deeper, more universal perspective that appeals to those with a scientific mindset as well as those with spiritual inclinations. It’s about recognizing the interconnectedness of all things, the unity of physical and metaphysical realities, and the profound implications of these connections for our understanding of existence.
God=Light+Awareness: A spiritual concept that combines the physical principles of light and energy (as described by E=mc^2 and quantum mechanics) with conscious perception, offering a holistic and inclusive understanding of divinity and existence beyond traditional religious frameworks
Want to come to me Light Studio? its basically a Showroom