To ghost some one or some place with no correspondence.
"After exchanging phone numbers at the bar, that chick really gave you the old Mark Murphy"
The catalyst skin on ones finger usually caused by the plunger whilst drawing up meth into a syringe for intravenous administration.
He is high ranking junkie look at the buntlers Mark on his finger
The name of a megachad who gets every girl in sight.
Damn, I’m going on a date with Lindsay tonight, I’m such a Mark O’Connor
One who does not shred the gnar
Man I hurt my knee. Guess I’ll just have to mark Matheson it today
Wow Zack Marks looked tired after Thejas was done with him
Bark is a Leo and he is in denial mark aka zodiac killer
Pulling a Mark Higgins or Mark Higginsing hitting yourself in a treehouse and using someone else's trousers to wipe.
"I can't believe he would pull a Mark Higgins!"
"There he goes again, Mark Higginsing at all the sleepovers he attends."