The arc in demon slayer which they absolutely dog shits on a demon that has taken the form of a train with the help of baby Rengoku who is absolutely shat on by Big Busty Boi Akaza by a punch through the chest a punch through the damn chest that's not winning that's called being Dogwater.
the Mugen train arc was a good movie.
yeah, it was sad when rengoku died though.
A Chocha-Train is a thirsty whore and/or slut with a wide set vagina. Though a woman, a Chocha-Train is referred to as an “it” due to the lack of self respect & its resemblance to a locomotive. Like packman, a Chocha Train consumes all of the dick in its path. It needs to be subdued.
1. If I ever have a daughter I would never name her Becca cuz Becca is a Chocha-Train name!
2. Ricky’s sister is such a Chocha-Train.
3. Watch out for that Chocha-Train, it be robbin' all the dicks!
P1: who’s that
P2 : that’s fuck delta A train, god tier YouTuber
Playing with your kung fu instructors nunchuck in the woods.
I'm going "training in the woods" with Dave. The act of oral sex in an undisclosed location.
The guilty way of describing the disgusting habit of segment hunting. It’s so disgraceful that no one should ever give kudos
Maz: “you want to go segment hunting?”
AB: “but people will see and get annoyed”
Maz: “we will call it interval training”
AB: “oiling my bike up now”
/tīnNee Tr-ayy -nň/
1. Something that was the source of great wonderment altogether consuming far more time than necessary in one’s mind.
2. Distraction that is purely created to prove an individuals lack of “Clue”.
Clue less distractee -“Oh look ! This tiny train has been put here.”
No one-
Clue less distractee -“hmmmm.”
A Cult that worships the Train Gods, like Thomas the Tank Engine. They perform daily sacrifices, usually on people who annoyed the gods or just some random dude. Also their arch-nemesis is Stupid Idiot Cult.
It was time for Train Cult to perform a sacrifice.