Trekking through snowy mountains with a sled on one’s back while using the sled as a snow and wind shield as well as a means to quickly slide through the snow as it is still attached to the back.
By ninja turtling, they found that they could quickly traverse any terrain in the snow without fear of obstacles.
To be wearing underwear that are very disgusting, often having a horrific odor and be very hard like a turtle's shell.
Adrian - Dude, Bonnaroo was really fun, but sleeping in your car wasn't. I'm wearing turtle underwear.
when someone gives a guy a handjob with one hand and catches his shit with the other as its coming out of his ass.
David: Hey man! Little Red gave me a two handed turtle last night.
Noun. Staring at the ground knowing nothing is moving too fast if at all. - EC
You over there turtle dogging?
Similar to a shart, but the head pops out first before the actual skid mark.
My Underwear bared the marks of a turtle burnout.
Guy 1:yo dude did you get that squishy turtle yet?
Guy 2:no man i didnt its some bull!
Guy 3:wait you guys dont mean a real turtle do you?
Guys 1 and 2:hahahahahaha