phallic shaped crystal one uses to pleasure oneself
That fuck rock made me cum so hard
Someone who is so stupid and weird now because of doing to much ecstacy or molly
other tenses: roll fuck
Yeah he's roll fucked. He did it for like an entire summer.
To have sexual intercourse with the male counterpart
Ragefacestudios:Fuck me off
Person : thats pretty gay but sure .
When some asshole is irritating you so much, you want him or her to kill himself or herself via hanging.
Asshole: Fuck you fucking piece of shit.
You: Go fucking hang yourself you goddamn asshole.
Dominic. Dominic is the fucking boss when you fuck dominic he makes you feel like you owe him something or like you got trouble at work so now you have to be his dirty little slut whore until you make it up to him
You're gay
Fucking with socks on on means that if your having gay sex but you don't want it to be gay
John: "I had sex with Gary last night"
Adam: "That's gay"
Gary: "no its not we were fucking with socks on"