Divine creature that protects all and everything
Andy the nerd won the rap battle against Joey the bully
when you get internal angry a bout a nerdy thing. all geeks and nerd get this really bad.
You- i got inner nerd rage at the star wars trailer
A combo of two hobbits, a peanut and a moron hazelnut-head. Typically they originate in the furthest lands of the Germanian and Italian deserts. Tasty as a milkshake made of farty poop and dwarf's boogers.
Those four are the typical nerd squad you should watch out from
The logical, if frustrating realistic corollary to Moore's Law regarding the number of transistors on a microchip. In as much as Moore's Law is used to estimate reductions in the cost per unit of computers, so will the reduced cost of the computers be converted to more processors purchased if the programmers are left unchecked.
The following conversation could have been avoided if Fred had applied the Nerd's Corollary to the purchase of new computers:
"Fred, I thought you said that if we bought the quad core machines, we could reduce the number of computers in the server room and save costs. Why do we have more servers than when we started and are over budget?"
"Well, we needed more machines because with the new speed and power, we discovered we could re-thread the re-factored process and parallelize the... (Fred's eyes glaze over and the rest of the information is lost in this discussion)"
Someone who chooses to major in Electrical Engineering.
Did you hear? Brian got into UCLA!
Oh wow that´s awesome, what´s his major?
Electrical Engineering, I think.
Oh... he´s going to UCLA to be an Electrical Engineer of all things? What a waste.
I know, what a stupid idiot virgin nerd.
1👍 1👎
A person whose love for and fascination with Canis familiaris goes beyond that of a typical/casual dog-lover. These people spend large amounts of time reading books and blogs and watching videos/webinars on topics such as dog behavior and body language, dog training, canine neuroscience, behavioral science, and ethology. They probably have an order of dog books on the way right now and it's likely they've either attended a dog training/behavior conference (such as Clicker Expo) or wish they could. They may act nonchalant when the subject of dogs comes up in conversation and restrain themselves from launching into a deep explanation of their top ten favorite training treats when around non-dog-nerds to avoid coming off as a total weirdo, but happily nerd out when in the presence of their own kind. Dogs - especially their dog/s - are their passion, their hobby, and sometimes even their career. They have a deep love and respect for their dog/s, and meeting their dog's needs and making sure their dog/s have an enriched and fulfilling life is an important priority to them. You're not a dog nerd if you "don't believe" in or "don't agree" with the AVSAB Humane Dog Training Position Statement and/or identify as a "balanced trainer." Dog nerds practice humane, evidence-based training and handling.
"Sheesh, I was only trying to compliment Jennifer when I said she's just like The Dog Whisperer."
"Dude, Jennifer is a total dog nerd. You never say the words 'The Dog Whisperer' in the presence of a dog nerd."
When a popular girl in class finds herself a nerd to help her with class or homework.
"I'm really struggling with chemistry, maybe i should find myself an adoption nerd."
"Oh him? He is my adoption nerd to help me through some classes."