A severely amazing, blissful, underrated song by god himself, the legend Jack Stauber.
Person 1: "You're such a koi boy."
Person 2: "What-"
When the lads get together to bum it out behind the shed
Me: me and the lads are total bummer boys.
Darude-Boi is a middle aged, white man who can’t let go of the record ‘Sandstorm’ by ‘Darude’. He is perpetually living in the year 2000.
Simon closed himself off to all other music with repetitive beats. He just could not move on from Darude - Sandstorm. He even named his cat, Darude. Time to move on, Simon. Stop being a Darude-Boi!!
A boy that acts like he is going to treat a girl like she’s a princess but uses her and leaves her broken in the end.
Don’t date him he’s a Broadway boy all he did was use Ariel the whole time they were together.
A drummer boy is someone who says and does weird shit that no one else would do. A drummer boy haircut would be a grade 1 on the side and long on top going straight down. A drummer boy would have a cat called opal. They would go home and play guitar hero for hours straight with out blinking.
Drummer boys are the scum of the earth and should not be let outside and left to rot in prisons. If you are born on the same date as Jesus or copy a Corey’s birthday you are the supreme leader of drummer boys. Classic drummer names are Tom, Callum, axcel and Jerome
If your name is corey or Wez( Weth, Wethn, wezn) you are physically unable to be a drummer boy and anyone who calls you a drummer boy they are automatically a drummer boy.
Drummer boys are most likely to die a virgin or get the death penalty
If you come across a drummer boy try to avoid them because they are highly contagious and will try to lick your eyeballs or toes
“ hi mom I just brought 2 colas, 1 for me and 1 for my friend” classic drummer boy phrase
funniest man with funny ass content
person A: bro have you seen Uyirii Boy's new video?
person B: yea man, roman was hella funny i cant lie