A man/boy who is and always be gay . He has people sniffing his ass all day long
Typically a brown- haired Italian boy. The hardest worker you'll ever meet. He loves his momma and holds his friends close. Shy and quiet at first but once you get to know him he has a wild personality. He is the most loyal man you'll ever meet. He is honest and selfless and respectful. They've been through a lot of shit... if you have an Adam don't let him go... support him through everything, hold him when he's upset, hype him up over his accomplishments and he'll treat you like a queen 👑
"Who bought you those flowers?!"
"Adam did :)"
Adam is a exstrodanary amazing hot sexy handsome guy. If you have a Adam in your life cherish him before he's gone if your exstra lucky you will end up saying a Adam if you don't have a adam FIND ONE NOW. Must likely he love video game horror movies
The show the office the amaricen one not the UK one
Loves dogs dated alot of people if he dosent find love you need to fill the hole in his heart
He will most likely be and artist or animater or a layer or a cisis imploiy
Girl: wow hes sooooooo HOT... He must be an Adam
Walked up to the hot guy are you single she asked
Hot guy:no
Girl: yep that's Adam... Hot and taken
Adam is a goth with the longest fringe possibly imagine. He only listens to the oldest TOP and FOB albums and when he isn’t straightening his fringe he’s complains about the mainstream media
Person: god that guys such a fucking goth
Me: you mean Adam?
a halal femalist boy from scooterland who owns a business that sells female eggs and has amazing typos.