A little guy that has a good play skill in league of legends, this usually is reflected on his enemies on Metin, also he looks like a WoW player, WEIRD BECAUSE HE USES FLASH ON F when it should be used on D because its DASH not F for FLASH
cute adorable little mf who draws rly good hearts
i luv alex jorg <3 cute lil baby boy
A idiot who loves getting it from his dad
Hey u want some alex its me ur dad lets get some alex
Alex HArdin - Gay idiot
Hey ur an alex hardin
The best guy anyone could ever have. He never fails to crack a smile on anyones face, hes very outgoing and isnt afraid to get what he wants. He loves everyone and everything. He is very hardworking and puts his mind towards it.
I love Alex Livingston
An Alex Chiesa is someone who wears cuffed pants, his hair parted down the middle, tries to skate but is really shit, and probably has a wiener dog named Apache.
Hey Alex Chiesa, why is your hair like that?
When you search up for Alex time 2.0 you might find this. Usually at the age of 15 boys named Alex start having sexual activity with toys and then with girls. They then start to do porn with their own dad we’re they start busting nuts after nuts in each other mouths and then drink it.
I had some Alex time last night
A white woman with a fat ass and has striped hair
Hadyn- who is that
Hailey- man that’s Alex the Zebra
Hadyn- damn she fine