Billy is a boy
He likes volleyball and soviet fur hats. he also indulges in ice cream Fanta floats and likes to eat while standing.
He has a knack for yelling and wearing sweaters "off the shoulder"
Billy is all around a goof and a quirky dude
Guy 1: who is that uncoordinated loser playing volleyball?
Guy 2: hey man don't dis Billy
Billy means homosexual man, attracted to big muscular tanned gay men.
Did you see that Billy earlier?
*roary beats up Henry* billy: GET OFF MY FRIEND *throws rocks at him and tries to choke him*
Large burly man usually gifted with properly placed genital warts.
Billy was amazing last night. His gifted member knocked my man right out of the boat.
Another word used for a bong/water bong
“Have a billy?”
“Could I please have the billy?”
“We need a billy”
A complete idiot who’s real name isn’t even billy it’s like William or something
Dude 1: Hey dude why do you go by billy
Dude 2: I don’t know I’m just to stupid to go by my real name
Billy is the weirdest kid anyone could meet. He is a soft as a rock but as hard as his dad. He has a decent amount of friends but no girls like him. He sits down playing his Xbox 24/7 on Fortnite or forza