n. A beautiful woman with amazing cooking skills. Normally brunette. An animal lover, especially dogs. Has a smile than can brighten all if your darkest days. She is the macaroni to your cheese, the star to your sky, the vodka to your bacon. Also one of the nicest, smartest, and funniest people you will ever meet. If ever you should meet her you will be one of the lucky ones. She is probably the best friend you will ever have. More thoughtful and caring than anyone. She is also an amazing daughter, sister,and aunt!
Emily Siragusa is the bees knees. She is the graham cracker to my smore.
a bitch who no one likes and acts like an eshay and all tough but in reality she a glue sniffing little girl. She seems to think she is invincible just because of her boyfriend Ricky and is an attention seeker who fucks her bf everyday. She thinks she’s cool but she is just a backstabbing bitch who has no friends and everyone hates her.
oh fuck there Emily McGrath, run !
a stunning girl you won’t get better nobody could as for a better friend amazing at netball sooooo peng and actually the best person ever she has the best friends ever like ever !!! Soo nice so kind actually amazing at everything stunning eyes good taste has all the boys getting on her 🥵🥵🥵
Have you seen emily beth?
How couldn’t you she’s stunning !
Best couple 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Girl: Wow, Dillon and Emily are really meant for each other
A sad day. One you will never forget , celebrating a woman named Emily. She is always the prettiest in the room. Probably makes your heart stop when you make eye contact with her. The best friend you will never be able to replace . Has the most electrifying personality and smile that could jump start your heart if it was to ever fail on you.
Once you find out what day it is, you will never forget that day. Not even in your wildest dreams.
Not even when you reach Heaven.
"Bruuuuh. It's Emily Day....",
"GodDamn bruuuh, it's Emily Day EVERY DAY for you, ain't it ??"
"Yeah bruuuh. 2day, and forever
a girl who always has a pack of gum on her. she dose not care if she gets caught. She loves all her friends but sometimes she dose not. She can be mean or rude but shes still a decent human. she'll do anything for her friends . we also call gum drugs cause shes cool.
Dude:Hey have you seen emily dank today
Other Dude: shes prob. handing out gum
Dude: true
Short but will never grow, very kind and a lovely person to be around. Very pretty but also very indecisive and oblivious.
You are Emily Cowell alright...