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Rusty Glass Bottom Boat

When someone shits onto a glass coffe table while another person watches from underneath.

Similar to a "Hot Carl" or "Cleveland Steamer"

Hey Aleah, wanna go to Target and get a rusty glass bottom boat?

by BigPasta April 4, 2021

Rusty Trickle

The following days discharge after busting bloody nuts in the local cumslut.

"Dude you should really get that checked out, you got a wicked rusty trickle going on down there right now" "Did you really bang susan last night, dont come running to me when you wake up with a rusty trickle in the morning"

by IdontHaveDischarge January 16, 2023

Rusty Trombone

A sex move in which one takes a hit from a bong and then blows into another asshole in hopes of getting said person intoxicated.

"Holy shit I'm horny as hell, whilst craving some weed... quick grab the bong, I want you to give me a rusty trombone."

by maclomshiiter June 8, 2022

rusty trombone

When a someone or something is engaged so furiously in a sexual act that it is being thrust back and forth like the slide mechanism of a trombone. The rusty part of the word is from the person or objected being covered in some kind of bodily fluid.

I fucked that amazon drone so hard I gave it a rusty trombone.

by ShadowChix March 8, 2017

Rusty trombone

When a guy is getting his fart-box tongue punched while getting an old fashioned simultaneously.

I heard Jenny likes to put mustard on her rusty trombone when she plays it.

by Dixoncider420 February 6, 2022

Rusty Trombone

/ˈrəstē/ adjective
1. (of a metal object) affected by rust.

a large brass wind instrument with straight tubing in three sections, ending in a bell over the player's left shoulder, different fundamental notes being made using a forward-pointing extendable slide.

What your dick looks like after having anal sex. The slide part allbrown and rusted looking.

"When i pulled it out of her butt it was all dirty," I said. Laughing my friend said "she gave you the Rusty Trombone."

by jayram1408 January 17, 2023

Rusty trombone

Get rimmed whilst receiving a hearty reach-around, thus resembling a trombone playing in a full chorus.

I can't think of a sentence for rusty trombone

by Wubbyzvat November 2, 2022