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A drink most commonly drank by the British

Would you like a spot of tea Mabel?

by Classicalclassic January 14, 2017


Its tea middle schoolers spill for clout and its all fake

Spill the tea sis

by BECKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! October 14, 2019


Tea is a name for the most beautiful and most caring people ever. She could easily finish with people, but never With the most important persons. So do your best and be one of them. It's worth it.

I love tea

by BryceWane January 5, 2017


Tea is the urban slang for gossip or drama that usually one or more people will share amongst his or her's friend group, typically used by people that are short and funny.

"Spill the tea!"
"So here's the tea"
"Guy's, I have some tea"

by BT Vlogs December 4, 2019


Abbachio's piss in a teapot/tea cup

Giorno wanted to drink tea but the greedy jellyfish in his tooth absorbed all of it

by Pearlaid June 3, 2022


The juicy af gossip between two people or a group of people.

A big thanks to sister James for creating the term💕🍵

Person 1- Dooood, Rebecca and Dani have the juiciest Tea. Like damn.

Person 2- LMFAO Christine just spilled their tea, ft me💀

by bitchass 101 March 1, 2019


1. A drink 2. When someone says "spill the tea" or just "Spill" they mean spill the gossip they want to know all the information and background, it is a word commonly used by people who are Gen Z or Gay.

"Amy just broke with her boyfriend!"

"Oh my god! Spill the Tea!"

by Rat Goddess June 21, 2021