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Little Brother of South Carolina

The lowlife,poor excuse of an SEC team located in Columbia, SC. USC will always be the little brother of South Carolina and a disgrace to college football. Guess they are an equestrian school now...

The little brother of South Carolina proved their talent once again with their 3-9 season record.

by mcclellando October 15, 2017

dao brother

butt brother

Imma ask my dao brother!

by thomybro2000 December 12, 2020

Brother Rag

Small towel usually a around the neck of a large black guy. Used to wipe up sweat on very hot days.

“Yo man it’s hot as shit out, I’m gonna need my brother rag today”

by Capt_Quint July 22, 2022

FA brother!

Fear allah! ( Allah is god in arabic, and he's the only god in islam )
FA ( fear allah ) is obviously used when someone wants to make something haram or forbidden in islam.

> YA: I'm thinking of k**ng myself.
> NA: FA brother, IT IS HARAM

> YA: i'm thinking of talking with this cute girl
> NA: FA brother!

by Super Halal Definer November 13, 2023

Ur brother a mother

it was made from ur mom gay deep in Japan and forged to make the strongest comeback of all tim

Dan:Ur mom gay
Carl:No u
Dan:Ur granny a tranny
Carl:Ur brother a mother
*the whole Milky Way collapse*

by Baz ball March 17, 2018

Ur Brother a Mother

Even worse than ur sister a mister

Bob-ur mom gay
Carl-ur dad lesbian
Bob-ur granny tranny
Carl-ur grandpap a trap
Bob-ur sister a mister

by Celesta.Edits March 18, 2018

Ur brother a mother

Like the other types of sick burns (ur mom gay, ur dad lesbian, ur granny a tranny, etc..) this is a new burn that superspooon came up with on ifunny

“Ur brother a mother”

by SpoonKing March 20, 2018