A person who has lag in video games.
Dude, Princess Mark lagged out of the match.
A person who moves away and leaves the people who care about him so much alone
Cullen mark Russell League is someone who I am in love with
A specific type of cunt. Variations include : the Earl of Cuntshire, the Grand Duke of Cuntingham
Your such a Mark Chinnery. What lane you in you Mark Chinnery.
Q and A Mark otherwise known as a Question Mark "?"
Q "meaning Question"
And: I don't know how to explain it... heres this thought
A meaning" Answer"
Mark "should be obvious"
can be used it many ways, but one way is when someone is saying something dumb, just say Q and A Mark and they will awkwardly stare at you wornding what the fuk you just said to them.
P1: Have you heard the hitler was a good guy, and did the right thing?
You: Da fuK???
P1: YA, he helped the world?
You: Q and A Mark
P1: Wat? what does that mean
You: Something
P1: Ummmmm... okay then
You: ...
"you have successful made them stop talking at the cost of awkward silence
Schrödinger's Mark is a situation that refers to a student who feels a lack of confidence, such that they are too ashamed to check their mark; choosing instead to live in a state of artificial emotional neutrality - thinking that their mark is both good and bad - as opposed to taking a gamble and having their next few days be either miserable or joyful.
This is similar to the quantum-physics theory known as Schrödinger's cat, whereby until the box is opened (or, in this case, when the student checks their mark); it is not known whether or not the cat is alive or dead - or, in this case, whether or not the mark is one which the student would be happy or unhappy with.
To conclude, by choosing not to check what mark was achieved, the student can live in the aforementioned state of ignorant emotional neutrality.
Student 1: "Shit man, I don't think I did too well on that test"
Student 2: "Damn, you gonna check your mark?"
Student 1: "Nah bro, no way. I don't want my day ruined. Even if I somehow did well, I don't want to take that chance"
Student 2: "Well shit, real Schrödinger's Mark situation, ain't it?"
You're being hunted/cucked by local authorizes, official or not. It will get progressively worse until you make up for what you did, usually a financial thing.
Person 1: I just woke up with two black marks on my leg, looks like it could come from a taser...
Person 2: Nah man, that's just a black mark. Also, we can't be friends anymore.