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bad gurl ellie

They are girls you cant keep out of your mind. She is beautiful in her own way. And she will be weird, but you will get a good laugh from her

Look at bad gurl Ellie, she's so cool.

by Rawrโ€ฆ July 1, 2021

Big bad mole

An erection you get in public which ends up being hard to hide through the front of your trousers.

Look! That dude over there has a big bad mole going on!

by Robbo101 January 13, 2011

Bad Life Choices

Justin Biebers life

" Don't do a Justin Bieber " = Bad Life Choices

by Romeo 69 March 8, 2016

slow and bad in general

Kyle McLaughlin

Kyle is bad, he is slow and bad in general

by sarahmorrin8 March 8, 2019

bad pun alert

A warning that a really bad pun is coming.

*Bad pun alert*

Newton didn't discover group theory because he wasn't Abel.

by Scrabbler94 April 1, 2016

Bad Music taste

A term usually labeled upon musicians by obnoxious teenagers.

(Some teenager) Dude, have you heard the latest fallout boy song?

(Musician) No, those guys suck. They have no variety in their music and their excuse for a guitarist just plays a few simple power chords throughout their songs. I doubt he could play a single sweep arpeggio if his life depended on it.

(Some Teenager) Dude, you have terrible taste in music.

(Musician) What makes you say that?

(Some teenager) their singer sounds cool, and they have bitchin lyrics.

(Musician)Lyrics are the easiest part of making music, and singers are the most overrated and most replaceable part of any band. The skill and quality lies with the people playing the insturments, and the people writing and arranging the music riffs as a whole, fallout boy fails at both.

(Some teenager) Hi jim! I see you have the latest soulja boy cd! (I stopped listening to that guy after 3 words.)

(Jim) Naw, this is the latest from miley cyrus.

(Musician) Wow, and he says I'm the one with bad music taste.

by StxSEPH February 15, 2009

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Douche Bad

a Douche Bad is another term for a generally Douchey man who is also very bad. A man that is a bad bad man, but also a douche bag.

Joe is a douche bad because he hates children and is also a douche bag.

by PK1983 July 21, 2008

4๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž