In response to throw short people day and throw tall people day, this day is dedicated to throwing everyone on October 23rd. No one is safe this time around, so prepare yourselfs!
Person one: AAAAFhhODOIAUdssefSOstyfusTYU wtf why did you throw me?! Throw tall people day was yesterday!
Person two: But today is National throw everyone day so I can still throw you
Person one: Oh shit-
To put someone in jail forever.
34 felonies?! Oh man, they're going to throw me away!
When someone says, "throw some D's on that B*tch" they're referring to a specific type of car rim; Dayton Wire Wheels -- these specialized wheels were originally unique to low rider culture of the 1970's + 1980's. These rims have stayed relevant through the 1990's and the current Millennium.
throw some D's (on that Bih)
The same thing as "blows balls" or "sucks ass" except used if children or Christians are around.
Aw man! This new guy throws crap at his job! He fucking sucks! Oh shit, you're Christian my bad! And I forgot it was bring your kid to work day, so your 8 year old son heard that too. (son starts crying)
To throw cheers is to encourage others to drink liquor glass after glass as in "Cheers!"
A: These girls always throw cheers to my boys.
B: I bet they are sluts.
the action of giving a girl the amazing, dope, addicting, drive her crazy penis.
Chas: "you know i had to throw that dick. Now she won't leave me alone. She keeps calling my phone."
Rouksar: "I know exactly what you are talking about. My boyfriend knows how to Throw that dick."
November 21, 2016
Throwing up 2’s means you are extremely horny
I knew that boy was horny from the way he was Throwing up 2’s.