Alternative for ‘Oh for gods sake!’ Believed to have Originated in Norfolk England. Once heard from an old farmer in Larling UK.
Fucking wars, I can’t believe that!
A good and bad scenario upon ones fortune
After my grandma died I had a fuck of luck and inherited 2 million dollars
A letter written with the intent of seducing a person into sexual intercourse
An expression for when you have absolutely, irrevocably fucked up and hurt yourself severely in the process.
Jimmy said "I do, Amanda." to Jenny during their wedding vows, she kicked him in the balls and stormed out. Jimmy really fucked the toaster on that one.
You are probably here because you spelled "fuck boy" wrong xD
"Fuck boh? You mean fuck boy!"
To be defeated so badly, you've got nothing left. Has a connotation of injustice to it.
I got fucked naked by that used car salesman.
"Fucked famous" is a term used to describe someone who became famous after getting fucked and well known for it (ie. pornstars, popular cheerleaders etc) or even people that became "super" celebrities after a sex tape was released like Paris Hilton or her friend Kim Kardashian and the many others that gained media attention after doing the deed.
Some people are born famous, others are fucked.
Guy 1: Hey dude... Paris Hilton really gets all the attention even though she does virtually fuck all!
Guy 2: Yeah man, she was fucked famous.