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The name of a guy who thinks he is John Mayer

Hey William! You’re not John Mayer

by LameBlain November 22, 2021


A guy who can be the guy of your dreams. You may feel like he doesn't notice you, but deep down he probably feels the same way. He is the kind of guy that once you meet him, you are like best friends and after a while you fall in love with him. He is an amazing kisser and knows where to touch a person in all the right places. He is an amazing boyfriend and makes you feel like you are one of a kind. He is the one that he would give everything for you if you ever had a connection. He will say so many sweet things to you and make you smile every day you spend with him. When Williams is in pain he prefers to always put his problems aside if someone else needs help. Williams is also a bit naughty, he will have dirty little conversations with you. He worries you a little, but always tells you not to worry. He's a heartbreaker, but he tries to mean well, once you meet a Williams, you can never outgrow one. He hugs you for hours, kisses you on the forehead and tells you he loves you, holds your hand in front of his buddies and tells you you're the best thing in his life, he's a person who has a hard time getting over relationships and You will always love him in some way, and he can never be replaced.

Williams: I will always be there for you.

by Cryby November 23, 2021


a fat big whopper eating person who no one likes

im so hungry
oh you william

by parker diaz May 8, 2023


William aka the optimistic, confident and charming Virgo He is outgoing warm hearted passionate dedicated and determined. He is always looking forward in life to help people, meet new people and working on his goals, his success on what he wants in life, He is a fair minded person. Because of all this he attracts people more specifically girls. Girls love William and are obsessed with him. William has a addictive personality he is very self centred full of himself, always there for others he loves, he is cheerful and positive. People are inspired to be like him for how good of a person he is. William is so good and also powerful he can even make people jealous of him, it can be the smallest things like how attractive he is or how he attracts so much people to love him. William is a positive person.

Hold upwhy are you so positive and happy? the other day I saw you you were in a bad mood and was stressed out. That’s because I talked to William Yesterday last night and his energy when I talked to him it was so positive and gifted I was attracted to him

by William Dontoh November 23, 2021


Williams are a pain in the assss! They are heart breakers and don’t care for there girlfriend. Never talk to a William. I’ve had experience.

Girl-Remember william
William-Flirting with other girls

by December 27, 2022


William is your fucking daddy.

Can I go shopping?”

I don’t know, let me ask William.”

by Ceewill November 23, 2021


A fluffy hoodie/jacket often worn by LGBTQ/effeminate roadmen who are on their way to shank up some opps.

Yoooo my slime, you wearing your new William I see! Who will thou be shanking today?

by BigDrillaLinguist69 September 28, 2021