When you insult someone by sayin "fuck you and your friends", which could also mean, that you don't wanna hang with thoes bitches
Like"fuck you and your friends, I'm don't need you bitches "
Stand down or you will be slapped.
Yo bro go fuck yourself before you knock yourself
Usually reffered to as the reeking jakey cunts downtown. Can be found most comonly in Scotland. They'll steal your fucking carrots.
I met some junkie fucks down the town the other day, tried to eat my fucking carrots, the bastards.
quickest and gayest way to clap a mans cheeks.
guy 1: What's Good B
guy 2: Last night, Nate tucked sucked and fucked me.
PayMoneyWubby coined the phrase. Another term for anal intercourse.
Use it well.
That girl threw it back and we had some great fecal fucking.