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don juan de la douche

A person, who in their own mind, beleives they are the center of attention. These people display one pathetic attempt after another to impress the opposite sex (In some cases, the same sex). In reality this person is a complete idiot, and are oblivious to the fact that they are displaying all qualities of a "DoucheBag". These people also have no age limitations when trying to hook up.

Haha, look at Brandon Willis over there trying to mack, a true Don Juan De La Douche!

by Tsumaranai June 16, 2007

23๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

zack de la rocha

The singer in Rage Against the Machine who fucked everything up and ruined the band. Now were stuck with audioslave.(sucks)

Fuckin Zach de la Rocha ruined rage.

by Anonymous Friends June 6, 2005

94๐Ÿ‘ 490๐Ÿ‘Ž

un-cirque de soleil

Somebody who is un-circumsized.

My new boyfriend is un-cirque de soleil...not sure how I feel about that!

by Screwzie December 22, 2005

5๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

un sale rat de merde

un sale rat de merde is basically a shitty human being, or a snitch. the biggest example is gaston, he's the rat king.

frr gaston c'est un sale rat de merde

by abdelkader smith jonson the 3r May 21, 2022

9๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

538 ven, 9 de xul.

That wasn't you.
I know you.
It was someone else.
Who wou were portraying.

That day you made me cry.
That day you had it.
I lost the one.
I opened up to.

Waiting for you.
As time goes by.
It happens.
You are worth the wait.
As I need to be.
Long without you.
Will give me...

538 ven, 9 de xul.
How does it concern you?
Stay out of my business.

by King Zero owner of da Universe October 2, 2023

24๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

St. Vincent de Paul HS

A small ass school in petaluma ca that is completely irrelevant except for their sorta ok football team. Uniforms are horrible n half the kids don't wear them anyway but get dress coded by their administration. Academics are terrible n even the dumb kids are in the honors classes. Theres a social ranking system: if you didn't come from SVES or OLL you will be a nobody unless your hot or rich. The old money SVES kids have priority over everyone else if their grandparents have donated to the school. They are favored by the staff and you can't do anything about it even if your way smarter than them. Everyone who goes there either had parents or siblings that went there before them n all of the students hate it. Theres no school spirit n everyone is too busy worrying about how they look n who likes them to actually have a good time. The "popular" kids think theyre the shit even though outside of SVHS they are completely irrelevant. Half the kids are either bi or gay n the choir will make your ears bleed. DONT GO THERE

"Where do u go to school?"
"St. Vincent de Paul HS"
"What tf is that?"
"Dw about it no ones ever heard of it"

by fuckcalifornia December 26, 2022

havre de grace high school

A high school that consists of your every day jock, prep, skateboarder, emo, and loser. There are a TON of anime loving goth girls here they're actually quite scary. Seriously though, it's a very diverse school located in havre de grace. The building is extremely small, as is the overall student body population, yet somehow the halls are constantly crowded at class change. Speaking of teachers, most are very helpful and intelligent, but others are completely insane. The janitors are cool as shit and most of the teachers are also. Oh yeah, what the fuck is up with the gym being ACROSS the street of the main building. so stupid, except on nice days. Kids generally freeze to death in the winter and bake in the summer because any heating or AC system is constantly being "repaired." Overall a good school with painfully limited extra curriculars, yet fucking awesome people.

Havre de Grace High School Janitor: "TAKE YA TRAAAYS UP!"
Passerby: "Oh god, I think I'm near havre de grace high..."

by freezefraim February 13, 2008

59๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž