That one person who always takes a picture of their food and posts it on social media
Dude, quit being a food thot, no one cares about your food
John: bruv how am i so bad.
Kate: it's cause you're fucking bin food mate.
My mather cooks food in the kitchen
My mather cooks food in the kitchen
"The better something tastes and/or the more filling it is, the worse it is for you." (Well, duhhh...!) Similar to when you are given a spoonful of medicinal syrup and it tastes absolutely terrible, and so you figure that it MUST be good for you. (And of course, that may indeed be true sometimes, but I wonder if a lot of times it's merely somewhat of a placebo effect --- your body just hurries up and gets well so that it doesn't hafta stomach the tortures of gagging down any more of that horrid bitter/sour elixir!)
I love rich sumptuous foods like burgers and fries, but my hippie-guru doctor put me on a diet of yucky-tasting bean sprouts and tofu --- talk about a classic case of Murphy's Law of Food-Flavor!
whenever u're chilling and ur friend reminds u that u have to do a stressful work, u can tell him to be quiet and simply eat his food like a fish with this good sentence
Guy 1: ayo G, we have a lot of homeworks to do for tomorrow
Guy 2: man, i'm chilling, stfu and eat ur food
(shut the fuck up and eat ur food)
whenever u're just chilling and ur friend reminds u that u have to do a stressful work, tell him to be quiet and just eat his food like a fish
Guy 1: bro, we have a lot of homework for tomorrow
Guy 2: man, stfu and eat ur food
When you leave food coloring out too long and it goes all modly and staly.
The gone off food colouring tastes like piss.