The powerful negative effect of Donald Trump's administration on everyone.
British guy: I have the Donald mumps.
German guy: So do I.
Australian guy: Me too.
Kenyan guy: Yep, me as well.
Penguin in South Pole: I don't like Donald Trump at all.
Acting in an insane and crazy way, rambling incoherently and lashing out over anything that is said to you.
Oh dear lord, looks like Karen has gone full Donald on the store manager again.
A money whore.
Also can be referred to a very huge jackass in some situations.
(Person 1) Is that Donald Shrimp?
(Person 2) Fuck off mate, he is just a shrimp that has a money whore issue, ignore him.
343:donald john trump is hiruzen sarutobi
A Scottish variation on the Bloody Mary, where the vodka is substituted with whisky, and the tomato juice is substituted with the period blood of an Ibizan stripper.
I’ll have a Bloody Donald, extra spicy! Yum yum! 😋
A Scottish variation of a Bloody Mary, traditionally served to a young man at his bachelor party. The recipe follows a similar them to the Bloody Mary, but the vodka is replaced with Scotch, and the tomato juice is replaced with the period blood of a fat stripper. Serve with ice and a slice.
We served Donald a pint of Bloody Donald in the Highlander in Ibiza