Fallston High School (or “Heroin High”) is a public high school in Fallston, Maryland. It’s colors are Orange, White, and Brown and nobody likes them. It’s filled with mostly rich and upper-middle class white kids who form toxic cliques of kids from every area. They have a historic rivalry with the neighboring town Bel Air High School, and an utter bloodbath of a rivalry with North Harford High School. The clubs are subpar at best and the sports teams are either really good or really bad and switch every 5-10 years or so. The players on the sports teams are usually very athletic but are too egotistical to be part of the actual team. Teachers are biased and not good at their job, the staff is filled with pedophiles and brown nosers, and the people who run it don’t give any kinds of shits about the students that don’t play sports or are high ranking club members.
Adult: Where do you go to school?
Student: I go to Fallston high school
Adult: Do you play soccer or lacrosse?
Student: No
Adult: Oh. I’m so sorry
The place where you are guaranteed to walk out the door filled with pussy in your pockets. Headteacher is a rather inspiring overweight bald man named Mr.Hunt. Filled with people who don't care about their education and smoke the devil's lettuce in the toilets.
Wow what a shit hole, it must be Culcheth high school
It’s a school located in Burbank. No body knows you, everyone wants to beef and fight all the time. People are bored af just want to get the hell out. Your one of these if u go to reavis : Hollywood kid, the drama kid, nerd, the white bitch, the wanna bees, think is the shit, or that regular as person who dont gives a f and smokes weed everyday . This school has the biggest drug problem
Girls are crazy at Reavis High School.
No body gives a shit on the end at reavis high school.
“Let’s go vape in the bathroom of reavis high school”
Orinda High School with like half white people, half asians, and 3 black people.
Everyone smokes weed, everyone has good grades, and everyone drives a BMW, get used to it.
Fun Fact: some of the biggest bay area zaza dealers go to school here.
There are no "popular" people, but there are a ton of rich kids who deny they are rich.
You dont learn shit, the teachers dont teach shit but youll do well on tests.
Dont leave anything in the locker room otherwise it will be stolen by some sophmore who lives in a 4.8 million dollar house.
Dont question the woke liberal teachers otherwise youll be the only one with a bad grade.
Oh and the place is a total dump. even though its a rich ass town, not a penny has been put towards the school since it was built in 1955. Get used to your parents donating money to it, cause the government doesnt give them enough money to run by themselves.
campo<mira (if ukuk)
hey many where can i score some premium zaza?
oh probably from those ghetto ass Miramonte High School kids.
A drug dealing, pill popping, baby factory. That is all.
Massaponax High School sucks.
welcome too drug fucked Launceston ! brooks high school just tops the lot of that fucking statement.
brooks highschool slut filled drug fucked school is full of toones of pregnant teens drugdealers around every corner and wannabe lads who try and run that shithole of a school to the ground
brooks high school
a fucking shitty place
some school in the town of bartlett illinois in u-forty shit where the grades seem high but the students are higher. while a multitude of gangsters plague the school at first glance, don't be fooled, they're just crackhead dumbasses who think they're the shit from the "ghetto" village their high school is located in. finally just got their own fucking football field like 2 yrs ago instead of having to borrow from other schools in the area. typically overshadowed by their newer and more athletically successful neighbors, south elgin high school, made most notable by south elgin freshmen calling us "fartlett". however, while south elgin's academy simply teaches incoming poindexters how to use video cameras and become a valued part of the media, bartlett's S.T.E.M academy students either learn to develop and supply chemical methamphetamine to the rest of the school or build health-related and physical abominations in their workshops in their free time. although bartlett has its fair share of rich ass snobs and junkies, don't be fooled, their GPA is completely held up by the geeky ass engineers who spend 34 hours a day on quantum physics and their science fair projects. our principal is the only fucking soul in the entire building with school spirit, and believe me, whereever the hell he's getting his good, I wanna know.
and remember, we are bhs and we dream big, cock caw
Boy: Where do you go to school?
Girl: I go to Bartlett High School.
Boy: ha academy nerd! Least it's better than Larkin.
Girl: yeah yeah