A shitty college in Owensboro Kentucky full of easy girls and shit parties.
I go to Kentucky Wesleyan. It isn’t that bad
The sexual act of a young man playing fortnite while also "playing on the bad" with his under age sister. (Very young)
Hey Jamal I heard you were doing the Kentucky action, sith your sister!
When a girl s waiting at the bottom of a cliff with her legs open and a guy jumps off the cliff penetrating her at the bottom
I'm off the the quarry to Kentucky pikedriver kitten, I'll see you guys later
When a gay man notices another gay man in public. Without notifying the surrounding public, he farts then proceeds to clap 3 times to acknowledge he’s interested.
As blake walked down the produce isle at Safeway, He noticed a burley bearded “bear.” Blake proceeded to give the Kentucky Flagger. The “bear” took notice and Blake and Matt had an eventfully gay evening together.
While during male ejaculation, the partner cups their hands together, catching the hot load of semen in their hands.
Dude, I gave my girl a Kentucky Hot Basket and she forgot to wash the jizz off of her hands.
While in the act of ejaculating during sex, the partner cups their hands catching the warm semen.
"I gave this girl a Kentucky hot basket. It was sick dude."
"What the hell is that?"
"I finished in her hands bro. I don't think she washed them... Also it was your sister."
When you set the hook on a fish extremely hard
Pronounced Sh-war-puh
Bro I just gave a smallie a concussion after I Kentucky shwarped his ass, his eyes where facing opposite directions