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Thomas the train

The best gosh darn train in existence

Thomas the train

by Ohio ratatouille July 29, 2023

Thomas makin

great guy who you always want around normally has friends called something like jimmy or Tomas

oh hi Thomas makin ur really nice thank for living ur doing a great job

by mrpoodog1 May 15, 2021

Thomas and Harrison

The world's sexiest people no one can complain

"Oh my god is that Thomas and Harrison huh they look sexy as always"

by yesdaddyomg6969420 August 9, 2023

Thomas Caffrey

A Ginger Eejit

Thomas Caffrey is a Ginger Eejit!

by Cian Mayo4Sam October 21, 2014

Thomas Santillan IV

A mortal that must be born ASAP by any means necessary

AJ: Thomas Santillan III is waiting at least 10 years to make Thomas Santillan IV
Darrion: What! That’s Blasphemy!

by dation November 29, 2021

Thomas core

Thomascore: when an accident occurs that is both funny and improbable; a situation that would only happen to a Thomas

A door knob falling off in your hand is peak Thomas core

by ThomasHater3001 January 15, 2024

Thomas core

Thomascore: when an accident occurs that is both funny and improbable; a situation that would only happen to a Thomas

A piano just fell on that guy’s head! That’s so Thomas core

by RedMoonRising January 15, 2024