Luca-a loving caring man who loves to play sports whos pretty smart he tries to stay out of trouble. if your friends with a Luca you should treat him well because he will never forget you.if you hit him he will try to hit you back.he loves animals.
has red hair and freckles if your lucky to have Luca as a boyfriend he will treat you very nice.
I love youluca
super hot and sexy man and every girl want to suck him and he as alot of friends and a true handsome man.
He knows exactly what to say and turn girls on with his word Pokemon xxxhentai
Allah is with him hot is a lucas
A 5’10 man that smokes carts and vapes all day pulls white snow rabbits no snow bunnies
Hey is that lucas the guy that doesnt pull bitches ?
Luca was the strongest guy I knew, strength isn't just about physical appearance. stop comparing yourself to everyone else.
Everyone is strong in different ways Luca
Usually a redneck, menace to society. Don’t give a f$&:$ about anyone. He can show no emotions but he is a joker.