NRS is short for NetherRealm Studios which is led by Ed Boon, the troll-in-chief. To emphasize Ed'd leadership of NetherRealm, one can call the group NeRdS.
What's wrong with this back story?
—The NeRdS must be at it again!
Ben Davis
You're talking about pokemon? Wow you're such a Ben Davis rn
These day's people think a nerd is a bad thing to be. And that a nerd is someone who is smart but the defentition of the word nerd is someone who is very good in something like music,games,reading,making tests,being lazy and even eating! I guess we are all nerds aren't we?
I am a nerd and I'm proud of it!
I guess we are all nerds
I think I'm a nerd
Emily a nerd is not a bad thing to be it's just how you interpretend it
a nerd is a person who sweats out school an cares too much about it
jimmy”hey look at the nerd Sara, she cares too much about school
A person whos smart, answers all questions, and is despised by everyone around them. Their favourite subjects include math, science and IT.
Girl 1: Ewwww, whos what nerd?
Girl 2: Ewww, get away from him!