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Ty-hana looks like a piece of unused wood with her fake ass

by DICKANDTITSUCKER October 24, 2019



broo ur like sinaya bro mad fake

by urmomsarot March 5, 2022


the act of being fake: when someone is really nice to you and acts like your friend around you but goes off and talks shit about you to other people or makes rude comments behind your back. watch out for fake people, they are insecure and try to bring down others to make them feel better about themselves. it's basically bullying

nora is so fake to katie, she was talking shit about her to her boyfriend.

by I hate everyone098765 June 1, 2017


Usually a word used by white bitches who use people being “fake” as an excuse for having no friends.

Alyssa:”that bitch is so fake”
Also Alyssa:hangs with her one annoying ass friend on the weekend with her hick boyfriends.

by Cile August 9, 2020


Wicked ass awesome
Very fortuitous outcome
Sarcastically or ironically used.

Did you see that fake cliff jump. The dude did a triple gainer.

"I landed 7 bottle flips in a row on the cap. It was so fake"

by windtunnel October 21, 2021


Someone who talks shit about someone then goes and hangs out with them; acting best friends with them too. Also someone who plays two people at once by talking shit about both to the other. Generally popular, bitchy, white girls.

Brittany: omg Lauren is so fake
Zoey: bruh that’s fax, just yesterday she was talking about how much she hated Kelsey and now she’s hanging out with her...
Brittany: yah fake bitch

by crazyboi6969 February 10, 2019


When you’re nice to someone you don’t like

“she’s fake to me, she acts so nice to me but she secretly hates me”

by magicunicorn1035 May 26, 2022