In reference to the fictional character in Mary Shelly's novel Frankenstein. What happens when you mention a thing you like (e.g. band, movie, etc...) to someone and they become a cult follower of said thing, taking it to the nth degree.
Clarence: I watched Fight Club with Nick yesterday and I think I've created a Frankenstein's Monster; now all he wants to do is fistfight people and pretend he's got split personality disorder.
Joe: Dammit, is that why he hit me in the ear just now!?
A person who hogs all the Kippahs because he apparently is addicted to them but really they are his only friends .
Damn that kippis monster
Why does the Kippis monster do dis?
a being (usually a female human, but can be substituted for a male human or other creature for extra irony) who depends on nobody but themselves. They are capable of countless heroic duties and are the main character of their own girl power movie. Typically, they will go to lengths to avoid accepting help, even when most efficient. Their intent on being an independent being with the strength of a gorilla to face hardship and fierceness of a monster is their defining characteristic
Amouranth is such an independent woman gorilla monster
Usually a girl who is obsessed with butt holes. Also could be a girl who farts often and loudly.
That girl Lesley is a butt monster.
When a person has a bowel movement while showering and proceeds to force it down the drain with his/her foot.
I could tell from her glistening brown toes that Ethel had done the monster mash this morning.