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Rebecca Black

The biggest douchiest teenage celebrity out right now, most known for her non-originally lyrical song "Friday" the song sounds like they just made up the lyrics as they went along.

James: have you heard that new song by Rebecca Black, Friday?

Kevin: Yeah that girl is a non original douche and she needs to go die.

by Kent Pra March 29, 2011

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black mama

an ebony bbw(big beautiful women)

hey look at dat black mama over there leroy

by Myfuturefuneral June 23, 2006

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black and white

Not colorful ;; a great stage or depression. A Lonely feeling about yourself. Sad and down.

I am not a very colorful person, im more black and white. Usually very depressed.

by TipsyPenguin007 January 31, 2006

45๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black Privilege

1."the frustration and envy of seeing another marginalized group that is fairly new as far as public identity gaining such equality and acknowledgement from Peers in a short period of time"also see gatekeeping and equal rights.

2. Due to cancel culture whites have passed down the privilege to their token minority group in theory "You can't cancel me, I'm black" "I can't be racist I'm not white"

Dave Chappelles new special is him just venting his black privilege over the LGBTQ community

by Malcom XXIV October 15, 2021

31๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

black italian

someone with ethnic background consisting of both african and italian

a black person having sex with an italian person makes a black italian

by A_C_UNIT March 21, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rebecca Black

A dumb, indecisive, ass bitch who is just a novelty product of an awful industry called Ark Music Industry. This is a social experiment to see if this congested tramp will be as popular as Justin Bieber.

That dumb bitch Rebecca Black won't fucking pick a damn car seat!

by Tiqle March 17, 2011

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Black Thanksgiving

NBA all-star weekend

Person 1: Yo, C-Note. Where you gonna b hangin' for black thanksgiving.

Person 2: Tre-Von invited me over to his crib to watch the all-star game and he say you can come ova' too.

Person 1: Sweet. Ill pick up some watermelon flavored vodka fo his punk ass when I cash my check at da liquor sto.

by JB Smoooove February 20, 2011

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