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Fake Cheng

Your so called "best friend" will try to get with your ex or your current girlfriend and attempt to get nudes. Also will sometimes accuse others of being fake even the ones that are close to him.

Don't hit up my ex for nudes. Don't pull a Fake Cheng.

by Fake Cheng July 6, 2018

Fake Thot

An oxymoron

How can a thot be fake when the definition itself implies a girl who tries to be fake af just to get laid. It's like saying water is wet, well no shiet.

fake thot

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian December 19, 2023

fake relashionship

a fake relashionship is when people pretend to be together.

for exemple : Harry styles and Olivia Wilde, " have you seen Harry Styles and Olivia wilde, they are probably in a fake relashionship, because Harry is already married."

by larries shit January 10, 2021

fake ass pick-me

a bitch who usually fakes adhd and other mental disorder I don't know for sure but they usually has an friend who actually has mental disorders but I have had a friend like this before who used me to make friends, ditched me and made me try and commit su1c!de

omfg she is such a fake ass pick-me she literally faked adhd and ditched me

by jazzie<3 December 18, 2023

Dereck do fake

DEREck é 5 estrelas, super confiável e amigo do seu amigo. Muda de shape 10 vezes por dia porque é indeciso e complicado (também muito exigente). Ele é fantástico bonito simpático e possivelmente ama-te.

He's the best person you'll ever meet trust me <<<< and he can be whatever you want him to be

Dereck do fake is a great guy but he never knows which shape to use

by Dereckkk May 6, 2020

Fake ryan

The best fucking person ever he is so sexy

Yo have you seen fake ryan he is sexy

by Fake.ryan May 5, 2022

fake Obama

Fake Obama is a boss that you fight before George Washington the boss fight is in Obama Tower

I have just beaten fake Obama

by BiggeCheese105 May 18, 2023

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