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String Bean

a term created by @tujuana_monique (at TikTok), refer to a person as a side piece/side chick/sneaky link

Friend 1: so, me and my man were fuck’n last nite, this mornin I cook breakfast and left to go home to his estranged wife, that he will leave her for me n their kids.

Friend 2: Bish, you’re the string bean, not da dayum turkey.

by Havin1OfThoseMoments0318 May 13, 2022

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funny bean

something that is extremely funny when insulting a member of someones family

hey ur mums face is funny bean

by gangsta!13! April 29, 2006

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cool beans

Used to describe an excellent blend of coffee, roasted to perfection.

That's a sweet cup o' Joe.
Cool Beans!

by Albus October 5, 2005

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Cool Beans

Something usually losers say. Commonly used by people named Colleen.

Man: Hey I found your beanie.
Colleen: Cool Beans.

by DumbGayFagGuy December 18, 2014

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cool beans

A phrase used by pre-teens and immature people instead of simply saying cool.

Mary: "I just got a new puppy!"
Lina: "OMG! COOL BEANS!!!!"

Mary: -____-

by spaghetti-fever August 18, 2012

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Black Beaning

Poking a hole in a condom and then fucking a girl without telling her.

"Damn, dude I am gonna be black beaning her all night!"

by blackbeaner April 2, 2010

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Smol Beans

Whereas a Smol Bean is something petite and cute (usually used in fandoms) a Smol Beans is an insult. It depends on usage.

to compliment one person: Hi Smol Bean
to insult one person: Hi Smol Beans
to compliment multiple people: Hi you Smol Beans
to insult multiple people: Hi you bunch of Smol Beans

Smol Bean: Brendon Urie is a such a Smol Bean with a big forehead and I love him so much.
Smol Beans: (to my brother): "Shut up Smol Beans, no one cares."
Smol Beans: Say hello to all of my students, these beautiful Smol Beans.
Smol Beans: "Go away you insolent punk bunch of Smol Beans."

by Shadoe5722 May 22, 2016

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