When your lips look extra shitty. Like they got doo doo on them . Very pinkish on the inside ...With a little extra ash around the edges. Voodoo lips Can be compared to an inside out bootyhole. People with voodoo lips must keep a few tubes of chapstick by their side to keep the lips moisturized. Please if you see someone with voodoo lips don't be alarmed its not contagious..although can be passed down through blood line. Always share your blistex if a victim of voodoo lips asks..its only right..at that point sharing is caring.
I can believe the girl with voodoo lips left her lipchap at home !
tee jayd and ju have ran a train on KP 3 times and tee just bagged KP and is fucking her with no lube
Kyleigh peacock pussy lips are wet and juicy and tee nutted in her mouth
When a female has big fat Botox lips and comes from a council scheme
Check the state of her over there with the big fat council lips
The act of someone kissing you while in a relationship.
He bent down and kissed me and then 1 month later he told me he’s in a relationship this whole time. So he lip raped me.
When someone has herpes on their lips.
Bro be careful macking or goin down on ratchet hoes, you goin get boo-boo lip.
Standard caucasian lips.
Lips reminiscent of the lips of a standard adult Pan Troglodytes (aka Chimpanzee or as commonly known "Chimp") which are typically barely visible from more than one meter away.
They are referred to in genesis. The good book has spoken.
Notably personified by the greatest comic book icon of all "The Joker". Here we have a man who literally pencils his features on.
Chimp-lips is often shortened to "Chimips".
Bubba: Ima looking for my sistah, have you seen her?
Man: Look here chimp lips, you and I both know that practically everyone has seen her.
A sight in which food remains on mouth due to personality or interest in conversation resulting in forgetfulness of the possibly of mayo or the such making you look uglier than you normally do.
His gross lip resulted in rejection of a kiss.