Source Code

The answer to life the universe and everything

A super computer said that The answer to life the universe and everything is 42

Q: What is the answer to life the universe and everything?
A: 42

by Aclips January 20, 2010

40๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jhene Aiko Bird University

Jhene Aiko bird university is for the BIRDS. The girls (or guys) who listen to her music and quote it saying 'they felt it deep in their soul' these people tend to be a bit ditzy and dumb. They're usually easily impressed by fake deep lyrics written by jhene. Another example is 'I saw your new bitch and it boost my self esteem'. The birds felt it because theyve got low self esteem, that's why jhenes music appeals to them.
Attendees of JHENE AIKO BIRD UNIVERSITY usually say they want a 'toxic relationship like Big Sean and jhene' they also think that astrology and crystals are the answer to everything.
Classes in Jhene aiko bird university include classes on 'how to rinse Jhenes mediocre lyrics and tweet them/make them your insta caption' another class is 'how to pretend you've got over your cheating ex boyfriend but forgive him after because the stars told you to'

Most Jhene aiko bird university students are corny, easily impressed and down right stupid.

Jhene aiko is the ultimate BIRD of rnb music

Jhene aiko bird fan: 'I dont compete I complete and I felt that deep in my soul'

Sane person: You're such a bird. You must attend jhene aiko bird university

by boopy12 May 1, 2020

132๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

open university

Seat of learning where those who failed in their education can get a second chance to fail again, but this time through second rate tutors and those who can't thrive in the mainstream.

Let's just say its easier to climb the greasy pole of academia in the Open University that other 'proper' universities.

by TheDonkey March 4, 2015

1๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

A university comprised of mainly male population

Embry-riddle Aeronautical University is a total sausage fest.

by hfghfdh February 12, 2006

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star wars expanded universe

The Star Wars Expanded Universe refers to the large collection of Star Wars tie-in material such as Books and Comics that ended in 2014. Based on the movies' scenario, the expanded universe tells us about the History before and after the end of the films.

Random people :"where can I find any informations about Revan
Me :"you'll find it by looking in the star wars expanded universe"

by Raph2V June 8, 2016

130๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž

Compulsory University Education Movement

Compulsory University Education Movement, also shortened as CUEM, is an intellectual and scientific movement that advocates University (Higher) Education should be compulsory such as elementary school and high school actually are. CUEM advocates that university fees and taxes should be heavily lowered or even abolished for people be able to graduate in higher education, and it also advocates that exams such as SAT and ENEM should be abolished since everyone will have access to higher education, those exams wouldn't be necessary for majority of universities.

"The Compulsory University Education Movement advocates that with University Education being compulsory, people will have more access to science and technology, and will be better prepared for life and for the future, it also advocates that university education is somehow already compulsory, but there aren't places for everyone and everyone should have access to them as they have to elementary school and high school."

by Full Monteirism January 11, 2021

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Washington University in St. Louis

It's in St. Louis DANGIT!!!

Anyway, it is a rather prestigious university, yet no one really knows about it, especially on the West Coast. A vast majority of the students are from the East Coast and IL, ID, et cetera. It is a very fine university that is probably on the level right under Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and the like. Basically, it is most likely the "best" university in the Midwest.

Bob went to Washington University in St. Louis, which is among the most esteemed universities in the country. (Note: Author did not attend "Wash U")

by Doobie Smokes You April 24, 2005

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