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Pigskin trash talk

A football group on Facebook that's full of pussy admins that can't handle trash talk and will boot you out if you trash talk them

Pigskin trash talk is nothing but pussies

by DougLife171 January 31, 2020

to talk trash

To talk in away which offends the opponent in dialogue. Commonly used on the basketball court or when teaching your chinese exchange student how to speak english.

Chad A: Hey Xiyan do you want to learn how to talk trash?
Xiyan: What?
Chad A: Shut up fatass, imma bust a nut if you get cocky on me!
Xiyan: What?!

by jonibonifinnabouncetoday November 11, 2019

Trash Hound

A person who only looks to hook up with low grade meat.

Daniel is going after that skeez at the end of the bar”

“Dude is a fucking trash hound

by Guillermo del Torres April 13, 2020

Booty trash

Some lame ass, 3rd string, amateur trying to be professional, with no skills to compete in intended competition. Garbage

"Oh here comes Trevor trying to sell those nugs like they're the funk, he's booty trash.

by Two-handed anaconda May 25, 2024

Sifting Through The Trash

A website which combs through each piece of rancid trash on the internet in hopes of finding some treasure and then authors a well-researched article about it. Also known as dumpster-diving. The site tagline is "Doing the Dirty Work So You Don't Have To..."

When She Wants Revenge broke up: I went to all of the usual websites but the only one that had an actual story about it was Sifting Through The Trash

by cleeti March 9, 2014

trash rocket

When a man with facial hair, wearing a backwards ball cap decide a to fellate his friends erect penis to completion as an act of self-defiance. Thereby the white trash has enabled himself to leave his shitty world of self-pity in search of new whorizonz and elevate himself to another universe just like an astronaut with a simple blast off!

Tim became a trash rocket late at night while watching the moon rise . Life will never be better .

by Rider on the storm May 4, 2023

Trash Picker Upper

A technical term for a mechanical device that picks up trash for free beer.

Person 1: “I even have a trash picker upper for the garbage around the lake!”

Person 2: “Is trash picker upper a technical term?”

Person 1: *creates urban dictionary definition to provide knowledge upon the world*

by DaveFaveDave December 10, 2021