A round and luciuos idiot whi tends to wear lots of purple and black.
"What the fuck is timothy doing"
"Being a lucious version of The Walking Grape!"
A derogatory term for crip walking
I can't stand those crossie walkin mfs
Christmas Walk of Shame is when you leave your parents house the day after Christmas. In pajamas at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, you walk to your car with all your unwrapped gifts. Usually, feeling down (and broke) because Christmas is over. Most of the time this includes a hangover.
"Look at that family doing the Christmas Walk of Shame."
"Ok, Mom, we are out. Thanks for everything. We are about to do the Christmas Walk of Shame."
When you see a person walking with a purpose that is visibly noticeable whether it’s good or bad
To take another person down the street to fight them.
Where did james go? With manuel to take A lil walk, for being disrespectful...
Having quiet sex and not realizing the kids still hear you. The kids accuse someone of sneaky walking through the house due to the squeeking of the bed.
"I came home after being gone all week and the wife and I were getting re-acquainted and the kid comes to tell us he hears some sneaky walking going on."