This is the time saving way of saying your nan
Yo nan is a nan
"Yo pockets hurt?" is a slang phrase used primarily in confrontational or argumentative contexts. It's typically employed to question someone's emotional resilience or their reaction to a situation, suggesting that they are overly sensitive or overreacting. The phrase implies that the person's emotional 'pockets' are hurting, akin to suggesting they are financially in pain, even though the topic at hand doesn't warrant such a strong emotional response. It's a provocative and confrontational way of dismissing someone's reaction or opinion as exaggerated or unwarranted, often used to escalate a disagreement.
During the heated argument, John criticized Sarah's reaction to his comments, saying, "Yo pockets hurt?" to imply that she was being overly sensitive to his words.
Yo b can be use in a lot of ways like "yo bitch or yo bro" you never know
Yo b i heard you fuck my babymoms b
Yo b i heard you fuck my cousin b
Yo b that bitch from yesterday was wilding b
Yo b this bitch from queens gave a nigga gonorrhea b ima kill this bitch b
Yo b this bitch crystal from bronx gave me crazy dome busted all over her face b
To twist one's rear end (preferably a badonkadonk) in a circular motion with the intent to draw attention from the opposing sex.
Amber, go ring yo ass on the dancefloor.
what a dude says when he tries to act cool with the popular kid but he just walks away
that loser over there said, "yo stud" to francis and francis walked away.
ngl this so tuff chopped chin is so tuff too. yo ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts sts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts tst st ss tt tsts ts tst sts tst tst st tssttss ts ts st ts tst stst ststs ts ts ts ts ts ngl
ts ts?
pmo pmo!
well just get up and teach before handing us a friggin packet yo
ts ngl pmo rn ru srs rn jst gt up and teach instead of handing them a friggen packet yo
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