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Yo mama

THE PHRASE "YO MAMA" is commonly used by 9 year olds to 'roast people'. If you here the phrase Yo mama so ... she ........... YOU SHOULD COMMIT DIE NOW

Yo mama so fat the sun orbits her.

by Kakwkwk November 2, 2019

yo mama

a joke commonly used to insult a person's mama

yo mama is so ugly they turn mudussa into stone.

by red=blue December 22, 2020

Yo mama

If someone attempts to roast you, they say this.

Me: You be stupid
You: Yo mama is stupid
Me: bro

by P3NCIL February 15, 2019


Its a joke where you talk trash about another persons mom, sometimes for revenge.

person 1: YO MAMA SO FAT-

person 2: SHUT UP!!!!11!

by Logiepogey07 April 23, 2016

yo mama

a name said to prank or annoy a person.

What happened? Yo mama!

by common now December 16, 2022

Yo Mama

Yo mama is a meme used by the coolest, most dope car wash in the world.

Yo mama’s car is so flawless, even Beyoncé gets jealous.

by MamaTX May 7, 2020

yo mama

the beginning of a funny and weird joke

yo mama so fat when thanos snapped his fingers she only lost weight!

by bobby lulu May 6, 2019