A very beautiful delicacy made in only a few minutes. Often in its original form, it can also be in the shapes of extinct beast creatures far more past than our existence, like a dinosaur. It also comes with other shapes of other creatures only intellects will understand like a rhino, chicken, dog, etc..
Jacob, the spoiled fat 3rd grader, exclaimed, "CHICKEN NUGGETS ARE MY LIFE!!!"
I love chicken nuggets
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Why in the world would you search up for the definition for chicken nuggets? Why am I making a definition for it? I DON´T KNOW!!!! Here, definition for chicken nuggets: A food made of processed ground chicken that´s usually meant for eating. NOW STOP READING THIS.
Person 1: Hey want some cHicKeN nUgGEtS wiTh sOme Sweet aNd sOuR sAuCe?
Person 2: Screw you
an example of elastic demand. it represents a disproportionate change - a huge change in demand because of a small change in price. when the price of chicken drops to certain price, mrs. hernandez will know. later that day the hernandez family will have a large fridge stuffed with nothing but chickens. this is what has come to be known as the ever so famous “chicken day.” chickens beware.
student: what’s elastic demand?
hernandez: it’s chicken day
chicken nuggeys are an amazing food. they have a great personality and come in different shapes and sizes. some may be dinosaurs and others may be shaped like a normal nuggey. some are crispy and others and soft. crispy are better especially from buffalo wild wings.
have you ever had chicken nuggeys, they are super yummy!?
Someone who commits the act of masturbation against chickens.
The chicken fapper ran off into the woods.
A phrase formed by translating each character in its original Chinese form to an English word. Used to describe a poorly performing player in a video game. Slightly offensive.
Player 1: (gave 3 kills in 5 minutes in a League of Legends game)
Player 2: oh player 1 is a vegetable chicken.