Much like a drunk dial, Drunk Dooring is the act of getting intoxicated, then coming back to your dorm or apartment and writing random things on other peoples door white board. Most commonly used to hit on and or give out your phone number to you" hot" neighbors.
Girl one: " Those guys down the hall are being loud again they must be drunk"
Girl two: "I hope they don't come drunk door us again"
Getting drunk to the point of offering your friend fillatio for mo reason whatsoever.
It is several steps above " I love you guys".
Hey Corey, I'll "suck your dick"
"Suck your dick drunk"
The act of being so incredibly and viciously over intoxicated, that you lose the ability to control your body, on a range from barely able to walk, to barely able to move at all.
I got absolutely quadriplegic drunk last night, I was barely able to get out of bed for days.
That overly intoxicated person that repeatedly slaps/bumps/taps or "knocks" on your shoulder to get your attention.
My sister is shy when she's sober, but after a few beers she's a total drunk-knocker. She interrupts everyone, tapping on their shoulders saying "hey, hey, hey".
to get so drunk that you piss and shit yourself and snort oxy cottons while failing to wheel
im gonna get so pitt drunk tonight
oh man i was so pitt drunk lastnight
jordan pitt is such a pussy only fags get pitt drunk
pitt drunk is for pussys
Sunday Drunk is a lower level of drunk that allows you to forget about tomorrow whilst respecting that it will still come in due time.
Bre, “You sound different tonight are you ok?”
Greg, “why do you say that?”
Bre, “well your eyes look fine but your speech is slurred.”
Greg, “Oh; that’s because I’m Sunday Drunk.”
Bre, “What’s that?”
Greg, “It’s going to be a long week; Matthew in logistics is going to screw up and Clare in payroll punches in late and just clicks approve all at 9am, and our new temp Kendra thinks because she’s a piece of ass she doesn’t need to lift a finger. This is how I forget about what I’m about to walk into to on Monday!”
Your fucked
Natasha vickers is fucked
She will die
She is buzzed Drunk high