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Van Damme Americans

A Japanese term for patriotic fun loving, happy go lucky, bold and loud Americans. Often used to describe American military or people who mix comoflage and old glory patterns. Also used to describe Americans who live in the Bible belt.
The fact that Van Damme is Belgian is irrelevant because he played Guile in Street fighter

I'm visiting America to party with "Van Damme Americans."

by VanDammeAmerican March 20, 2023

Redneck American Princess

A woman from the rural United States, with the greatest prevalence being in the South and Deep South.

The Redneck American Princess (or “Rap”) is characterized by a jarring combination of arrogance and profound timidity. She oftentimes suffers from having been one of the most attractive women in her hometown high school, but not having the looks or sophistication to thrive anywhere outside of the tri-county area. A traditionalist of convenience, she will alternate between overwhelming unpleasantness (“sassiness”) and a fainting-couch femininity that demands her boyfriend/husband/brother/father or any other man in proximity resolve all her problems, preferably without her having to ask. The latter is oftentimes the product of an extreme daddy’s-little-girl mentality that remains with the Rap until she dies of old age or develops dementia so profound that she forgets she ever had a father.

The Rap is particularly eager to start fights between men and finds the thought of one (or more) of them dying to preserve her honor to be overwhelmingly attractive. The Rap may marry, but she is unlikely to remain that way—a result of her demanding disposition. Unfortunately, she has no close female friends to which she can turn when her LTRs end. Ordinary women tire of her constant self-pity, and other Raps are too busy indulging in their own star-crossed view of life to offer more than a passing sympathy mixed with a brutal competitiveness as to who has suffered more.

MAN: I saw Tiffany Jo Anne down by gas station the other day. Both her boyfriends were beating each other with tire irons and cans of diesel. Seems like wherever she goes, trouble follows.

WOMAN: Y’all don’t know a Rap (Redneck American Princess) when you seen one?

by Infrequent Writer April 22, 2020

all american handjob

when you paint your dick red, white, and blue then before the paint dries, your put on metal claws to resemble talons of an eagal then then jack off using the wet paint as lube.

dude. Why do you have scars on your dick

90 year old man: back in 1972 me and my friends did the all american handjob, too bad all of them died

by dick flavored ass September 5, 2019

half-acoon american

a stupid/ugly person

Shut up you half-acoon American

by blishi February 13, 2019

American Bento Box


I stuffed my lunch Japanese style into my American Bento Box.

by Headcircus January 18, 2011

American Awesomeness Scale

The American Awesomeness Scale is a basic British(0) to American(10) scale in which the user rates person or thing on how awesome they/it are based on American standards.

On the American Awesomeness scale, The Declaration of Independence is a 10.

by RealAmerican1776 May 31, 2023

Mug blooded american

A mug blooded american means that their freedom loving veins have only mug a rootbeer brand.

Well i'm a mug blooded american you hear?

by RaichuCannon_ April 13, 2022