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Pic 'n' mix

choosing a selection of items to buy together, usually confectionary related

"dude, get some gummy worms at the pic 'n' mix"

by ghostly wanderer January 15, 2008

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The Bait N' Tackle

The sailors used this one in the old Navy days. Before you go off for a long, lonely voyage, get yourself a tall jar and fill it completely with earthworms. When you get lonely, open the jar and fuck away. The earthworms will provide some slithery stimulation, and your protein load will keep them nicely fed. Gone fishing!

by Anonymous May 2, 2003

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Ice Nine (n)

Ice that is nine times stronger than regular ice. Ice Nine's molecules are compact, and only a small amount of it is needed in order to turn regular water into solid Ice Nine. Consider to be a quite destructive weapon.

Ice Nine is so affective, it can freeze the ocean.

by Rainsdark January 29, 2003

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rock 'n' roll

To leave, depart or proceed without delay.

Hurry up, Dude, let's rock 'n' roll!

by starved in ph July 27, 2006

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Buns N' Scrotums

Name for "Guns N' Roses" meant to degrade them for being a bunch of hair metal faggots.

See "Buttley Screw" (Motley Crue)

See also "Bon Jovi Butt Jammer"

Hey it's Mtv's "Ass-banger's Ball"

pffft....bunch of Iron Maidens!!

by Suicidal Tendencies November 29, 2004

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bait n' tackle

Phrase referring to an amateur shooting a quick porn video in Las Vegas for much needed cash.

"John lost it all at the tables; he had to do a bait n' tackle to get airfare back home!"

by B&T November 29, 2007

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Rock 'n Roll

hey not really gonna define rock 'n roll cause that first defenition has got it coverd. I just got to say that the kid who wrote the definition defning what bands rock and if you disagree your wrong. Ya man your a fucking idiot. You dont know shit about Rock 'N Roll. You list a couple hits and think your fit to define rock itself. You can't say what bands rock cause there to many. Next time you go to set a defenition make sure you know what the fuck your talking about.

You dont have a fucking clue what Rock 'N Roll is.

by Chuck Berry November 25, 2006

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